The purpose of this document
is to augment a portion of the recent Greenpeace report on nanotechnology
and artificial intelligence ("Future
Technologies, Today's Choices") and to comment on a few specific statements
in it. That report's treatment of molecular
nanotechnology (MNT) was necessarily brief and did not cover several
key areas. The present document supplements Greenpeace's work, explores
further some of the misconceptions of MNT, and describes one area within
MNT, limited
molecular nanotechnology (LMNT), which is currently being pursued
by most MNT researchers. LMNT can produce most of the desired medical
devices, advanced materials, and product innovation goals sought after
today and will be significantly easier to achieve. The Center for
Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) believes that recent advances in
LMNT research should underscore to policy makers the urgent need for
discussion of possible consequences, both positive and negative.
The Greenpeace report covered two very large topics, nanotechnology and artificial
intelligence, so could devote only a few pages to MNT. Some important MNT
research is currently in press, and much published work has not yet been synthesized
into an accessible understanding of the recent developments in the field.
Some commentators outside the field continue to assert obsolete arguments
against MNT; this, as well as hype and misconceptions, further obscure the
picture and make it unfortunately easy to ignore even decade-old work. CRN's
focus on MNT provides a more accurate and detailed picture of the field's
current state.
This document builds its case in several sections. Following this introduction, section
II establishes a context for discussing MNT, including a description
of LMNT. Section III covers
the requirements for developing LMNT, concluding that the barriers to rapid
development are mainly those of policy, not technology. There is no known
scientific objection to LMNT, and the technical problems are rapidly being
broken down into manageable sub-problems. Section
IV discusses the probable capabilities and advantages of LMNT. The
purpose of this is to demonstrate that LMNT, though much easier than full
MNT, may have nearly equivalent power, desirability, and impact. This
implies that a targeted rapid development program may be launched for
any of a variety of reasons in the near future.
Section V comments on specific
MNT-related claims of the Greenpeace report in light of the earlier sections.
In general, CRN agrees with them that MNT is possible, but does not agree
that it poses only long-term risks. Although the power and relative simplicity
of LMNT are not widely understood, the analysis is not difficult, and the
knowledge has been available worldwide for years. A targeted LMNT development
program may already be justifiable from an economic and/or military point
of view. Such a program could lead to a sudden shift in sociopolitical conditions,
leaving insufficient time to formulate policy.
Finally, section VI summarizes
CRN's understanding of MNT and LMNT, and repeats the call for policy attention
to LMNT.
MNT Background
Although the word 'nanotechnology' has come to be applied to a wide range
of research and development activities, molecular nanotechnology (MNT) deserves
special consideration for several reasons. Most nanoscale technologies seek
to produce components that will be incorporated in larger products. By contrast,
MNT is proposed as a flexible manufacturing technology, capable of building
complete products. This would make it broadly applicable to a variety of industries
and applications.
The key point of MNT is mechanochemistry: the ability to make chemical reactions
happen under programmed control. In theory, this allows a few reactions, applied
in many positions, to build a large range of shapes. With careful control,
and assuming a suitable chemical toolbox can be developed, a mechanochemical
manipulator should be able to build shapes physically as complex as itself.
Molecular manufacturing should provide a variety of advantages, including
less complex fabrication, extremely predictable results, and strong, efficient
products, that would more than outweigh the difficulties of working in this
unfamiliar realm.
As noted in the Greenpeace report, MNT has been associated with unusual amounts
of hype. Early discussions asserted the ability to do almost anything that
was theoretically possible with chemistry. The unfortunate phrase 'universal
assembler' was coined, and rapidly attacked as being unworkable or at least
too difficult. Descriptions of MNT-built products usually did not specify
what sort of chemical assembly was to be used in making them, which lent an
air of unreality to the whole topic. Public debate has largely stuck there,
obscuring the fact that much research has been done since that time.
A body of work in the last decade has described a limited molecular nanotechnology
(LMNT) that is far better specified than the popular picture of semi-magical
nanobots. Starting with K. Eric Drexler's publication of Nanosystems in
1992, LMNT has developed a comprehensive overview of the requirements and
functions of a limited molecular manufacturing capability based on the carbon
lattice configurations—diamond, graphite, and fullerenes—known
collectively as 'diamondoid'.
LMNT would implement only a tiny fraction of possible chemistry. Its chemical
requirement is simply to build shapes, components, and sub-micron machines
out of large, carefully fabricated, three-dimensional carbon molecules, with
a few other atoms thrown in as necessary to extend the range of surfaces and
shapes. However, it should be emphasized that this narrowing of technological
focus still allows for a wide range of powerful products, and many of the
claims made for the disruptive effects of MNT are still valid for LMNT.
One major change between traditional MNT and LMNT is the reduced emphasis
on nanobots. Early descriptions of MNT envisioned manufacturing accomplished
by the concerted action of legions of nanobot 'assemblers', floating around
a growing product in a tank. Alternatively, the assemblers could make nanobot
products that would do everything from cleaning your arteries to cleaning
your house. LMNT does not require nanobots at all. Instead of free-floating
assemblers, the mechanochemical fabricators would all be fastened down in
a single nanofactory,
with their sub-products conveyed along fixed paths to be joined into bigger
components and finally large products. Some products of LMNT may be small
robots, but product robots require no onboard manufacturing capability, and
the appropriateness of using microscopic robots can be decided for each application
A useful nanofactory would be able to build products familiar to today's engineers
and users, without requiring the product designers to be experts in chemistry.
This appears possible through the re-use of a few basic nanoscale components
to build micro-scale systems. CRN has a peer-reviewed
paper in press discussing nanofactory architecture, bootstrapping, and
product design. Most product design would be carried out on the micro level,
using 'libraries' of pre-designed 'nanoblocks'; computer software is already
designed this way.
III. Development of Molecular Nanotechnology
If molecular nanotechnology is to be developed, even in limited form, several
hurdles must be overcome. This section describes the physics, research, engineering,
schedule, economic, and policy problems that LMNT may encounter.
As far as is known, the laws of physics do not in any way prevent LMNT from
working as described in this document. Atoms are moved by thermal noise and
quantum effects, but these effects are small at room temperature—if
this were not the case, our bodies could not function. Like any other working
system, LMNT manufacturing systems and products will produce heat, and require
an energy source. However, these are engineering details, not fundamental
hurdles. Likewise, the need to design and control vast numbers of sub-components
is an engineering problem; as discussed later, it does not appear to be intractably
difficult for certain classes of useful systems.
The chemical techniques required, though not yet fully
investigated, do not appear to be a showstopper. Greenpeace correctly notes
that Richard Smalley's "fat fingers" and "sticky fingers" theories are the
most carefully thought out objections to MNT. However, it should be further
noted that, in fact, not much thought went into these objections: published
proposals for mechanochemistry do not involve "fingers" at all. The recent
achievement of mechanochemistry on a silicon lattice demonstrates that if
Smalley's objections are relevant at all, their scope must be limited—they
certainly do not constitute a blanket disproof of the feasibility of MNT,
much less LMNT.
The next question is how MNT could be achieved in practice. For LMNT, one
possible course has three milestones. First, a set of mechanochemical reactions
must be researched and developed, capable of making several forms of diamondoid
from simple 'feedstock' chemicals. Second, a small fabricator must be designed
and built, capable of carrying out the necessary manipulations to perform
the mechanochemistry. Finally, large numbers of these fabricators must be
combined with other equipment to make a nanofactory.
The first step, developing the necessary carbon-bonding reactions, will require
much scientific research. The theoretical groundwork for this was laid in Nanosystems,
with significant subsequent work by Ralph Merkle and Robert Freitas, including
a book in progress on diamond surface chemistry. The second step, building
a fabricator, will require mechanical and chemical engineering for the design,
and a lot of lab work including the development of new techniques for the
construction. It should be noted that the fabricator need not be autonomous
in any sense; it would use only specialized chemicals, and would be inert
without outside control and power. Once a fabricator is specified, a nanofactory
can be designed. CRN's forthcoming
paper discusses nanofactory design and bootstrapping. It appears likely
that this final step will be the easiest.
Much work will be required to accomplish the LMNT goal of making a diamondoid
nanofactory. Some observers predict that the field will develop slowly, with
much of the necessary research happening as an outgrowth of other projects.
However, as discussed in the next section, the economic and/or military rewards
of a successful LMNT project could be extreme. This indicates that at some
point, perhaps soon, it will be worthwhile for someone to launch a targeted
development project. If successful, the resulting nanofactory would find immediate
use in a variety of applications, probably including the replacement of traditional
fabrication technologies for many products.
The utility of LMNT depends largely on the capability of the nanofactory.
In order to achieve a useful fabrication speed, the factory must contain myriad
separately-controlled workstations making sub-micron parts a few atoms at
a time, which would then have to be joined. This would require automated control
and high reliability. Detailed calculations indicate that mechanochemical
fabrication of stiff diamondoid parts could be sufficiently reliable at room
temperature. CRN's nanofactory paper describes a mechanical joint that allows
simple robotics to work with a high degree of reliability. A useful nanofactory
would also have to be fast, easy to use, and cheap to operate; these requirements
also appear to be achievable with fairly straightforward factory architecture.
At some point, the cost of an LMNT project will become comparable with the
cost of developing a new military airplane—tens of billions of dollars—if
it hasn't already. As discussed below, LMNT would facilitate the rapid development
of a variety of powerful new weapon systems, as well as enhancements to existing
ones and great improvements in military logistics. Economic incentives for
commercial development are also immense; from computers to medical instruments,
the range of products that could benefit from LMNT is broad enough to warrant
a high level of investment.
It appears that the main barriers to development of LMNT are matters of policy.
Uncertainty about its ultimate feasibility, though widespread in the United
States and Europe, is unfounded. Uncertainty about the roadmap for technological
development should at this point be addressable by theoretical studies, and
in a crash project could be handled by concurrent exploration of multiple
avenues as was done in the Manhattan Project. Although MNT has not yet come
under regulation, this could present an additional hurdle to commercial development
in some jurisdictions, though probably not to military development.
IV. Functionality of LMNT
This section discusses the consequences of the development of a limited molecular
nanotechnology: a tabletop manufacturing system capable of making nanoscale
carbon-lattice parts and integrating them into a human-scale product. In reading
this section, it is important to keep two things in mind. First, although
speculative, the capabilities described here are well grounded in current
scientific theory and peer-reviewed publication. Second, although much work
will be required to develop LMNT, much of this work can be started today and
done in parallel; the development schedule depends largely on the incentive,
not on any technological or scientific difficulty. As this section demonstrates,
the incentive could be quite high.
Building at the molecular level, millions of parts could fit into the volume
of a bacterium. Product designs would combine predefined and tested micron-scale
machines—computers, sensors, and actuators, as well as inert structure—to
make human-scale products with as little or as much complexity as desired.
The extreme flexibility provided by nanomodular design would allow a wide
range of products to be created by the same factory technology.
A variety of estimates indicate that the time required for a sub-micron mechanochemical
fabricator to produce its own mass of product is probably well under a day—comparable
to bacterial replication times. Thus a tabletop nanofactory could probably
make a one-kilogram diamondoid product in an hour or so. It could also fabricate
a duplicate of itself in under a day, at a cost comparable to the cost of
any product. This implies that the manufacturing base could grow quite rapidly.
Being self-contained and automated, a nanofactory would be usable in a variety
of environments, including areas with undeveloped infrastructure and near
battlefields. It would also be suitable for manufacturing products near point
and time of sale, and perhaps even for home use. Products built largely of
simple carbon-based feedstock molecules would not need the metals or specialized
materials used in today's technology. These factors could greatly decrease
transportation, storage, labor, and inventory costs, and permit more rapid
delivery of newly designed products.
A nanofactory could function as both a rapid prototyping machine and a production
system. Just as a computer uses a few basic instructions to do many kinds
of calculations, a nanofactory could use a few basic operations of mechanochemistry
and assembly to build many kinds of products without retooling or prototype
costs. This also implies that product manufacturing cost would be unrelated
to product complexity. A new product design could be built straight from the
blueprints in minutes or hours, tested and refined, and a new version built
as soon as the new design was ready. The final version's blueprint could immediately
be put into production at any location on any desired number of nanofactories.
Development of new products could proceed far more quickly than today's practice
Products built by a nanofactory would be limited by the underlying chemistry.
However, mechanical devices depend on shape, not chemistry; most mechanical
products would be achievable at all scales larger than one nanometer. Because
some forms of carbon conduct electricity or are semiconductors, many electrical
devices would also be achievable. There are also several ways in which a carbon
lattice device could interact successfully with biochemical molecules.
Products built of diamond lattice would also have several advantages. Most
obvious is strength: carbon lattice may be 100 times as strong as steel. Nanofactory-built
products could require far less material than today's versions. The ability
to design at nanometer scale allows many products, including computers and
motors, to be far more compact; a supercomputer could fit inside a grain of
sand and use a fraction of a watt. The precision of molecular design should
allow bearings to be nearly frictionless, in contrast with today's MEMS devices.
Most human-scale products would be mostly empty space, giving mechanical engineers
unprecedented freedom to design function rather than structure and further
simplifying the design process.
Weapons are one obvious application of such a manufacturing technology. Aerospace
hardware, especially the avionics, could be far lighter and stronger. New
kinds of weapons could be developed, smaller (or larger), more powerful, and
more complex than today's systems. If prototypes could be produced rapidly
at low cost, designers could get much more inventive. With manufacturing cost
unrelated to complexity or miniaturization, even the smallest weapons could
have a full onboard computer/sensor/actuator suite, and be produced in sufficient
quantity to compensate for their size. As with all nanofactory products, deployment
would be almost immediate and require little effort. CRN is particularly concerned
about the possibility of an unstable arms race fueled by ultra-rapid development
of weapons of unprecedented power and functionality.
The same factors that could make even limited MNT a powerful military force
multiplier may also make it a powerful economic asset. It's said that in order
to be accepted, an innovation has to be ten times better than what it replaces.
According to calculations, depending on the criterion, LMNT products could
be between one hundred and one million times better. Reduced costs, easier
product development, and easier manufacturing could make LMNT products even
more attractive. The flexibility of the manufacturing process means that a
wide range of products could be produced. LMNT could provide a substantial
economic boost to undeveloped areas, since a nanofactory would require very
little infrastructure. Whoever controls LMNT could end up dominating a wide
range of industries, and disrupting many others.
V. Discussion of Greenpeace Report
Here we will comment on a few specific points raised in the report published
by Greenpeace.
In section 2.4.2, and again in 2.6, the report predicted that MNT would be
developed about 35 years in the future. This appears to be based on two assumptions:
first, that full MNT is necessary for full effects, and second, that development
will not be accelerated by a crash project. Both of these assumptions are
questionable. Limited MNT, as outlined here, would produce most of the benefits
and risks of full MNT. However, it could be developed quite a bit sooner and
with less uncertainty. This in turn increases the military and commercial
incentives for early development, even to the extent of justifying targeted
multi-billion dollar projects.
In section, the report mentions nanobots and nanomedical devices as
an area of exceptional hype. This has been an area of great confusion, especially
since traditional MNT discussion frequently has failed to distinguish between
nanobot fabricators and nanobot products. LMNT fabrication does not rely on
nanobots at all. However, it could easily build a variety of nanobot-type
products incorporating nanometer-scale diamondoid components. With a limited
chemistry toolbox, LMNT products may not be able to interact fully with biochemistry.
However, simple tools such as microsurgical robots and high-capacity implantable
sensor arrays could cause rapid improvement in some areas of medical practice.
Section 2.4.3 is titled "Fundamental barriers to these visions," and states
that some "major technical obstacles ... might be virtually insurmountable." As
discussed above, Richard
Smalley's "fat fingers" and "sticky fingers" criticisms have little or no
relevance to LMNT. The report correctly notes that "Diamond assemblies might
be relatively easy to assemble; other structures, such as biological configurations,
are infinitely more complicated." As the present document demonstrates, diamond
assemblies—LMNT—could accomplish much of what has been claimed
for MNT. Finally, the "major problems concerning energy sources and dissipation" and
similar practicalities have been addressed in detail in CRN's forthcoming
exploration of nanofactory architecture. No fundamental barriers to LMNT are
known or even suspected at this time.
Section 2.5.1 defines as "long-term" any hazard that "due to challenges associated
with technological development, is unlikely to manifest itself within a 10-15
year time frame." CRN believes that in the case of LMNT, hazards that may
occur ten years from now need attention today. An LMNT development program
could proceed with surprising speed, especially in the final stages, which
according to our research will probably require mainly traditional engineering.
The time to start making policy is before such a program is launched; given
the incentives described here, and the recent progress in defining the tasks
required by LMNT, such a program could be initiated at any time.
Section discusses self-replication and biosphere destruction, saying
that "...while the danger seems slight, even a slight risk of such a catastrophe
is best avoided." It should be emphasized that the development and use of
LMNT manufacturing does not involve self-replication. A nanofactory would
be able to duplicate its physical structure, if the right set of blueprints
were downloaded. However, it would include no manipulators to gather biomaterial,
no legs or wheels to travel, no chemical plant to process biomaterial into
pure feedstock chemicals, and no power supply. The chance of such a thing
running amok is not merely slight—it is zero. There is, unfortunately,
a slight risk of some malicious or irresponsible person deliberately integrating
all the necessary components to create a self-replicating machine, but such
a project would be quite difficult, and this risk is overshadowed by the more
powerful non-replicating weapons that could be designed and built with much
less effort.
Section points out the dangers of a "nano-divide" in which only the
rich would have access to the new technology. CRN shares this concern, especially
since denial of the technology to any population would fuel demand for illicit
and uncontrolled versions. A more optimistic scenario is one in which nanofactories
are made widely available, and noncommercial designs could be manufactured
at cost. The Open Source software movement has demonstrated its ability to
produce high-quality, free, complex digital products; its methods and practices
would be highly applicable here. Unfortunately, this scenario could be sabotaged
by current trends in intellectual property that will take time to reverse—another
reason why MNT policymaking should begin now.
Section discusses destructive uses of MNT. CRN emphatically shares
this concern. An international organization may be necessary to monitor military
uses of MNT or development of unmonitored fabrication capability. LMNT could
be developed with surprising speed, and could proliferate with even greater
speed once the first nanofactory is functional; additionally, with just a
little reverse engineering or information sharing, subsequent development
projects could progress much faster than the initial project. The initial
stages of such a project, involving distributed lab work and computational
experiments, would be relatively easy to conceal, and the final stages could
proceed quite quickly. If a cooperative international response will be necessary,
planning must start long before the problem appears urgent.
A few minor inaccuracies in the report are worth pointing out. Section
states that fourth-generation nuclear devices incorporate nanotechnology.
In fact, they would use MEMS and precise machining—much more prosaic
technologies. Section describes the NanoWalker as an "autonomous miniature
robot." It should be noted that "autonomous" here merely means that NanoWalkers
are controlled by infrared signals rather than by wires, and that they can
move around a workspace; they are not capable of performing tasks on their
own. Section 2.5.4 describes the Foresight Institute as following a strategy
of "launch[ing] pre-emptive strikes against any problems with public acceptance
of nanotechnology." In fact, Foresight was founded in order to call attention
to the risks of molecular nanotechnology and other advanced technologies.
VI. Conclusion
The Greenpeace report correctly notes that molecular nanotechnology appears
to be possible, and could have significant negative impacts. However, their
analysis is based on an early understanding of MNT, and does not take into
account the limited MNT that has been proposed more recently and developed
in more detail. LMNT would be much simpler and cheaper to develop, and powerful
enough to be extremely attractive to a variety of interests. If there is not
already a targeted LMNT development program somewhere in the world, there
probably will be soon.
Although some of the consequences of traditional MNT, such as self-replicating
nanobots, become less significant with LMNT, other potential consequences
remain areas of considerable concern. The sudden discovery of an LMNT project
nearing completion would not allow time for formulating and implementing good
policy. It should be emphasized that the final stages of LMNT development
are likely to be the easiest and most rapidly accomplished. Hurried or panicked
policy would likely be both oppressive and inadequate to prevent the negative
consequences, including geopolitical instability, economic disruption, and
a variety of unfortunate products and capabilities being widely accessible.
However, cautionary discussions should not ignore the fact that MNT, including
LMNT, could be a strong positive asset. If administered well, the existence
of cheap, clean, local, easy-to-use manufacturing capability (even limited
to diamondoid products) could go a long way toward reducing poverty and underdevelopment,
as well as alleviating current environmental impacts. Whether suitable administration
can be developed depends largely on how soon the policy process begins.