CRN Publishes List of Future Nanotech Dangers
After months of intensive study, the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology
(CRN) has identified 11
separate, significant risks of advanced
nanotechnology. CRN is also researching solutions that may
effectively address
each of those risks. Descriptions of all the risks and proposed solutions are
posted online at
Chris Phoenix, CRN's Director of Research, emphasizes that these are
preliminary findings. These new web
pages summarize the existing state of our
understanding of molecular nanotechnology, its risks and
problems, and
possible solutions that can promote safe use while avoiding unsafe or
use," says Phoenix. "Some of our opinions will probably change.
We are publishing these results
now because we are looking for comments and
criticism from interested and informed parties.
It's important to note that 'nanotechnology' means different things to
different people. Most of today's
investment and press coverage concerns
nanomaterials research, which deals with exploiting novel properties
materials at the nanoscale. CRN's research and policy papers focus on
molecular nanotechnology (MNT),
a near-future technology that will build
machines and products molecule by molecule, with every atom
precisely placed.
Molecular nanotechnology will be a significant breakthrough, comparable
perhaps to the Industrial
Revolution - but compressed into a few years. The
potential benefits to humanity are almost incalculable,
but in order to avoid
the dangers we must thoroughly understand them and then develop a
plan to avert them. The first step in understanding the dangers
is to identify them, and CRN has begun that
important process.
"One of the dangers of talking about risks is that it can prompt knee-jerk
reactions in some
people," says Mike Treder, Executive Director of CRN. "There
are indeed serious risks, and many
of them are quite worrisome. The answer,
however, is not to hide our heads in the sand and hope nanotech
will go away,
because it won't. Sooner or later, someone will develop MNT, and it will be
disruptive. We need to perform a thorough, rational exploration of all
the problems that may arise, and
then seek effective solutions."