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Mike Treder

Mike Treder

“21st century science and technology offer the most wonderful benefits and the most serious risks we've ever faced. The human race can't afford to get it wrong.”
– Mike Treder

MIKE TREDER, Executive Director of CRN, is one of the most popular and well-received professional speakers on nanotechnology. As an accomplished presenter on the societal implications of emerging technologies, Mike has addressed conferences and groups in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, and Brazil. Prior to co-founding CRN, Mike had a successful career in media and communications. He attended the University of Washington in Seattle, majoring in Biology, and now lives in New York City. 
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bullet Scientific Advisory Board, Lifeboat Foundation
bullet Research Fellow, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
bullet Advisory Board, Global Risks Council
bullet Consultant, Future Technologies Advisory Group
bullet Honorary Member, Federation of American Scientists
bullet Editorial Advisory Board, Nanotech Briefs
bullet Consultant, AC/UNU Millennium Project


bullet "Mike Treder is internationally recognized as having an expert understanding of the current position and future possibilities of nanotechnology." - Dr Denis Whitfield, University of Western Sydney, Australia
bullet "There is a lot of talk about nanotechnology, but you are truly one of the few people I've met capable of helping us clearly understand the science, rewards, and potential dangers of this revolutionary technology." - Wendell Wallach, Chair of the Technology and Ethics Working Group, Yale University
bullet "Mike Treder was one of our most engaging and popular speakers for SAGE Crossroads. He added great insight to the discussion on nanotechnology and aging research." - Lynne Marie Stout, Producer, SAGE Crossroads
bullet "Mike provided insight into how to best prepare society for emerging technologies, specifically nanotechnologies, that could potentially result in drastic changes to our way of life." - Nora Savage, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
bullet "It's amazing that he could clearly and concisely provide so much great material in just 30 minutes!" - Gene Stephens, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina
bullet "Mike's presentations have generated a lot of interest in the future impact of nanotechnology across the country." - Kathryn McGavin, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand

Mike Treder is available for speaking engagements.


bullet "Nanotechnology and Globalization" - Presented as part of an annual three-day conference sponsored by the Basque Savings Bank Federation in San Sebastian, Spain (September 2008)
bullet "Radical Technologies, Rapid Change, and the Real World" - Presented at the World Future Society's annual conference, Washington, DC (July 2008)
bullet "Nanotechnology as Global Catastrophic Risk" - a chapter, with Chris Phoenix, in Global Catastrophic Risks, edited by Nick Bostrom and Milan Cirkovic (July 2008)
bullet "Small Machines, Big Choices: The Looming Impacts of Molecular Manufacturing" - Presented, with Chris Phoenix, at the Conference on Global Catastrophic Risks, Oxford University, UK (July 2008)
bullet Book review of Military Nanotechnology: Potential Applications and Preventive Arms Control ( Altmann, Jürgen) published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (November 2007)
bullet "Challenges and Pitfalls of Exponential Manufacturing" - a chapter in Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology, edited by Allhof, Lin, Moor, Weckert (2007, John Wiley & Sons)
bullet " Nanotechnology and the Future of Warfare" - Presented at the World Future Society's annual conference, Minneapolis, MN (July 2007)
bullet "Disruptive Abundance: The Future of Nanotechnology" - Keynote speaker for Canadian Auto Workers annual New Technology Conference (April 2007)
bullet "The History and Future of Nanotechnology" - Presented to students at Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York (March 2007)
bullet "Creating Public Policy for Advanced Nanotechnology" - Presented to students and faculty at the Global Media Project, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (March 2007)
bullet "The Power and Promise of Nanotechnology" - Published in The World and I (February 2007 issue)
bullet " The Disruptive Potential of Molecular Manufacturing" - Presented to the Strategic Studies Group, US Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island (October 2006)
bullet "Fourth Generation Nanotechnology" - Presented at the Nanotechnology 2006 Conference at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (September 2006)
bullet "Nanotechnology and Human Life" - Presented in Australia at Monash University in Melbourne, at the Australian National University in Canberra, and at the University of Western Sydney (September 2006)
bullet "Disruptive Abundance" - Feature presentation at nine different cities in New Zealand during the annual Pickering Lecture Tour (September 2006)  CLICK TO LISTEN  [speech presented in Nelson, NZ]
bullet "Anticipating Vicious Cycles" - Published in Australian R& D Review (July 2006)
bullet "Visions of the Future" - Presented at New York University (April 2006)
bullet "Nanotechnology: Driving Toward a Crisis" - Presented at the Foundation For the Future, Bellevue, WA (April 2006)
bullet "Nano-Guns, Nano-Germs, and Nano-Steel" - Published in Nanotechnology Perceptions journal (March 2006)
bullet "E thical Use of Advanced Nanotechnology" - Presented at the University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain (March 2006)
bullet "Technology: Are We Watching It or Is It Watching Us?" - Presented at Upper Canada College, Toronto (February 2006)
bullet "From Heaven to Doomsday: Seven Future Scenarios" - Published by Future Brief (February 2006)
bullet "Productive Nanosystems" - Presented at the "Risk Governance for Nanotechnology" workshop, Zurich, Switzerland (January 2006)
bullet "A Global Surge Protector?" - Published by Future Brief (December 2005)
bullet "Transforming Society: Ethical Issues in the Nanotech Revolution" - Presented at Yale University (December 2005)
bullet "Dark Visions of a Fantastic Future" - Published by Future Brief (September 2005)
bullet "Do Sweat the Small Stuff: Why Everyone Should Care about Nanotechnology" - Presented at the World Future Society's annual conference, Chicago, IL (July 2005)
bullet "Nanotechnology on an Upward Slope" - Presented at a special S ymposium on Nanotechnology, at the World Future Society's annual conference, Chicago, IL (July 2005)
bullet "Dimensions of Development" - Published by Future Brief (July 2005)
bullet "Tiny Changes, Exponentially Multiplied" - Published by Future Brief (June 2005)
bullet "The Flat Horizon Problem" - Published by University of Texas Nanolog (June 2005)
bullet "War, Interdependence, and Nanotechnology" - Published by Future Brief (May 2005)
bullet "Turn on the Nanotech High Beams" - Published by Future Brief (April 2005)
bullet "Nanotechnology and the Environment" - Presented at a symposium during the American Chemical Society's annual meeting, San Diego, CA (March 2005)
bullet "Creating Effective Public Policy for Managing Advanced Nanotechnology" - Presented at an Expert Group Meeting organized by the International Centre for Science and High Technology, Trieste, Italy (February 2005)
bullet "Emancipation from Death" - Book Chapter in The Scientific Conquest of Death, published by LibrosEnRed (December 2004)
bullet "Finding a Middle Path to Safety and Prosperity" - Presented at the Nanotechnology: Innovation, Opportunity, and Commercialization Conference at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (November 2004)
bullet "Bridges to Safety, and Bridges to Progress" - Presented at the International Congress of Nanotechnology, San Francisco, CA (November 2004)
bullet "Times of Change: Nanotechnology & Society" - Keynote Speaker at the First International Seminar on Nanotechnology, Society, and the Environment, in Sao Paolo, Brazil (October 2004)
bullet "Making a Safe Transition into the Nano Era" - Presented at the TransVision 2004 Conference, University of Toronto (August 2004)
bullet "Four Challenges of Nanotechnology" – Presented at the Foresight Institute Senior Associates Gathering, Palo Alto, CA (May 2004)
bullet "Accurately Describing a Technology That Does Not Yet Exist" - Presented at the Imaging and Imagining Nanoscience and Engineering conference at the University of South Carolina, Columbia (March 2004)
bullet "Future Shockwave: Benefits and Risks of Molecular Nanotechnology" – Published in The Futurist Magazine (December 2003)
bullet "Three Systems of Action: A Proposed Application for Effective Administration of Molecular Nanotechnology" – Presented at the Discovering the Nanoscale Conference, Darmstadt, Germany (October 2003)
bullet "Meeting the Challenge: Safe Utilization of Advanced Nanotechnology" – Presented at the Transvision 2003 Conference, Yale University (June 2003)
bullet "Global Impacts of Emerging Technologies" – Presented at the World Futures Science Symposium, New York University (February 2003)
bullet "Safe Utilization of Advanced Nanotechnology" (co-author) – Published at (February 2003)
bullet "Applying the Precautionary Principle to Nanotechnology" (co-author) – Published at (January 2003)
bullet "Accelerating Paradigm Shifts in Information Storage and Retrieval" – Published in Extropy Journal (September 2002)


bullet Interviewed on camera for "Apocalypse How" to be shown on the Discovery Channel, date TBD
bullet Interviewed for ZDNet podcast - January 2006
bullet Feature article at ABC "News in Science" - September 2006 - CLICK TO READ
bullet Interviewed for article in Otago Daily Times, New Zealand - September 2006
bullet Interviewed on Radio New Zealand - September 2006 - CLICK TO LISTEN
bullet Interviewed for cover story in New Zealand Listener - July 2006
bullet Interviewed on the Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC Radio, New York - March 2006 - CLICK TO LISTEN
bullet Interviewed for "News from Spain" by Euroresidentes - March 2006
bullet Interviewed for feature story in The Issue Barometer - February 2006
bullet Interviewed by - February 2006
bullet Interviewed on The Future and You podcast program - January 2006 - CLICK TO LISTEN
bullet Interviewed on WMFO Radio, Tufts University – November 2005
bullet Interviewed on the Small World podcast program – October 2005 - CLICK TO LISTEN
bullet Interviewed on military issues by Nanotechnology Now - September 2005
bullet Quoted in article published in Buildcore (construction trades magazine) - July 2005
bullet Quoted in article published in Information Week - March 2005
bullet Quoted in Outlook 2005, published by the World Future Society - January 2005
bullet Featured guest on SAGE Crossroads webcast, with host Morton Kondracke – September 2004 - CLICK TO WATCH
bullet Interviewed on CBC's Future Tense radio program – August 2004
bullet Featured guest on Changesurfer Radio program – May 2004
bullet Interviewed on WBAI Radio's Equal Time for Free Thought – November 2003
bullet Featured guest for online chat program of the Immortality Institute – November 2003
bullet Interviewed for feature article in Small Times magazine, "Voices from the Grass Roots Call for Responsible Nano Policy" – May 2003

Contact Mike Treder for interviews and speaking engagements.


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