These pages, marked with GREEN headings,
are published for comment
and criticism. These are not our final findings; some of these opinions
will probably change.LOG OF UPDATES
Overview: Molecular
manufacturing creates several severe risks, and each risk tempts a simple
and extreme solution. However, a patchwork of
extreme solutions will be both destructive and ineffective. For example, Bill
Joy and others have proposed halting nanotechnology research entirely.
This would not actually work; instead, it would relocate the research
to less responsible venues. The risks might be delayed by a few years,
but would be far worse when they appeared because the technology would
be even less controllable. To take another example, economic upheaval
might be prevented by strict commercial licensing of all uses of the technology.
This has two problems. First, digital protection schemes for commercial
products have often proved quite easy to crack. Second, if the technology
is so restricted that it cannot disrupt existing economic systems, continuing
poverty will kill millions of people each year, fueling backlash, social
unrest, espionage, and independent development. Each risk must be reduced
by some means that does not exacerbate others. This will not be easy,
and will require creative and sensitive solutions.
MM risks
may include opposite extremes; so may attempted solutions.
Molecular manufacturing
(MM) creates several severe risks,
of several different types. For example, risks may be political, economic,
or personal. Even within a single category, opposite situations may create
risks. If incredibly cheap manufacturing drives down prices, economies
may be disrupted. But if prices were held artificially high, the result
would be concerted attempts to circumvent the restrictions—as well
as widespread denial of humanitarian relief. With product cost potentially
orders of magnitude lower than product value, prices may be unstable—they
may fluctuate wildly as businesses abandon product lines and monopolies
form, increase prices by ten times or more, and disappear under new competition.
Or anticompetitive behavior may emerge; this seems quite likely under
the circumstances, but this outcome would remove the benefits of free
markets. In another category, allowing completely unrestricted use of
MNT by everyone would provide powerful tools to criminals and terrorists;
however, restricting MNT completely would require extremely harsh measures,
constituting a risk in themselves.
one risk can increase another.
The problem gets
worse when several risks are considered together. Attempts to prevent
one risk, such as criminal use of nano-built products, may only increase
another risk (maybe even in a different category), such as creation of
a black market in unregulated MM. In addition, although many of the risks
involve deliberate misuse of the technology, some occur even when all
individual actors are behaving appropriately; such risks cannot be reduced
by any simple strategy. CRN is focusing on the most dangerous risks—about
a dozen of them, each of which needs its own handling, and all of which
interact. Any MM administration program must work simultaneously to increase
national security, increase economic security, and fulfill many other
positive goals, while at the same time applying the necessary restrictions
and policies to avoid instability in several different domains.
For initial study,
the risks will be divided into two broad categories: those that result
from too much MM or too little regulation (the "permissive risks"), and
those that result from too little MM or too much regulation (the "restrictive
risks"). In general, attempts to avoid a permissive risk by increasing
regulation will increase one or more of the restrictive risks, and vice
versa. Any MM policy must also interact with the actions of users and
developers/providers, both legitimate and illicit. Planning of a nanotechnology
administration program must consider real-world motivations and situations,
as well as multiple stages of cause and effect.
must be restricted somewhat.
We can't afford to
have unrestricted molecular manufacturing widely available to individuals.
Criminals and terrorists would invent new products faster than society
could compensate. Hobbyists would invent grey goo for the fun of it, just
as computer viruses and worms are developed and spread today. Availability
to individuals implies availability to governments, which implies arms
races and various covert and nasty uses. Widespread individual use of
molecular manufacturing systems would create at least as many problems
as widespread use of personal computers: intellectual property violations,
security problems... except that many of these problems would be translated
into the physical world, where they could do far more damage. Even if
MM is initially limited to governments and maybe a few corporations, it
could create economic and political nightmares. Arms races and economic
disruption would be quite likely. And as we will see, such limitation
would increase the occurrence of restrictive risks.
can be bypassed.
The initial developers
of MM would surely want to keep control of it. How, then, could the technology
become unrestricted? There are two pathways that must be dealt with
separately. First, the technology can be stolen, cracked, "liberated," or
otherwise accessed illicitly. Second, the existence of independent MM
development programs greatly increases the chance of unfortunate use,
and also provides more opportunities for technology theft. Two countries
with independent MM capabilities could begin an arms race. Two companies
with molecular manufacturing capability could begin a price war, resulting
in either extremely low profits or extremely unstable prices. At least
two of the risks, environmental damage from profligate MM use and social
damage from undesired products, can occur even in the presence of some
limitations on the technology. These risks can be prevented by severely
restricting civilian use. However, as we will see, such restriction will
probably be impossible.
for bypassing restrictions must be reduced.
There are several
motivations that can lead either to independent development or to technology
theft. From any nation's point of view, foreign attempts to develop MM
may be perceived (with justification) as threats to the global balance
of military or economic power. This will probably spark several crash
MM programs. Once the technology is developed, any group without access
to it will have a strong motivation to gain that access. National pride,
intellectual curiosity, and simple rebellion can motivate attempts to
own, develop, or control the technology for its own sake, or "crack" restrictions
on it. If the use of the technology is costly due to licensing, financial
interests may fuel attempts to acquire MM capability. If a disadvantaged
group is unable to access it due to any form of restrictions—especially
if the group is impoverished and MM could literally save lives—there
will be a strong humanitarian and idealistic drive to make the technology
available to them by licit or illicit means.
These diverse and
strong motivations, and the severe risks they lead to, invite a strong
restrictive response. However, anti-nanotechnology regulation may be counterproductive.
For example, any regulation that reduces humanitarian use of the technology
will increase the idealistic motive. Any regulation that imposes severe
penalties will increase curiosity and rebellion, while providing at best
a partial deterrent. (Even the death penalty is insufficient to prevent
some premeditated crimes.) Secrecy will likewise increase curiosity,
and spark independent research. Any regulation that increases cost will
increase the economic motive. It seems likely that a policy based entirely
on restrictive regulation cannot long succeed. Many of the motivations
can be blunted by making molecular manufacturing technology widely available
under some more delicate form of control. Although this must be done with
extreme care, it appears to be a necessary part of successful MNT administration.
may themselves be risky.
As implied above,
the dangers of unrestricted molecular manufacturing may inspire forceful
and extreme restrictions, or even forceful preemptive actions to prevent
MM proliferation. Extreme responses pose their own dangers. If carried
to its logical conclusion, a policy of preventing any possible independent
development would require worldwide restriction of technology to a pre-2000
level—perhaps even a pre-1950 level. Intensive surveillance might
also be used to prevent any development, but the required degree of privacy
intrusion (at least in the absence of near-AI levels of image processing)
would be a clear violation of human rights. Thus the possible responses
to MM risks create
additional risks. Even in less extreme cases, attempts to preserve existing
political or economic systems unchanged may cause the benefits of MM to
be denied to those who need them most. Any MM-related disaster could increase
the pressure for extreme restrictions. A technology leak, even without
a disaster, could require (or at least inspire) very oppressive restrictions
to avoid problems.
may lead to a vicious cycle.
It is possible that
a vicious cycle could develop between oppressive restrictions and attempts
to break those restrictions. Criminals and terrorists are a small fraction
of humanity with limited resources. But if MM technology is restricted
enough to create prices that are obviously highly inflated, mainstream
consumers will embrace any means to circumvent the restrictions (as they
already do for entertainment). If the technology is restricted to the
point that people are dying for lack of it—which is quite possible,
given the number of potential lifesaving spinoffs—then even governments,
humanitarians, and some of the technology controllers will have strong
motivation to break the restrictions. Such widespread pressure to bypass
the restrictions could inspire even tougher restrictions, costing more
human lives and suffering. The likeliest outcomes are either widespread,
long-term oppression, or an uncontrolled release of the technology.
Blanket restrictions
won't work, but careful policy can.
The idea that control
can best be maintained by giving up some control is counterintuitive at
first, but it's simply a case of the well-known principle of diminishing
returns. Any parent knows what happens if they try to micro-manage a teenager,
and economists have long been aware that raising tax rates too high will
result in lower total tax revenue. There is not enough space in a single
article to analyze all the interactions of all the solutions to all the
risks, but the examples given here are sufficient to show that in many
cases, extreme solutions will backfire. Even if policy makers were willing
to accept the humanitarian and economic losses of overly restrictive MM
policy, such policy would be self defeating. However, this argument cannot
justify a complete lack of restriction; the risks introduced by such a
policy appear insupportable, and dealing with the problems would create
harsher restrictions in the long run. Instead, policy must be sensitive
to a wide variety of factors, including political, economic, and social
It should be emphasized
that, although this page seems pessimistic, the larger picture is not
so bleak. The very factors that make molecular manufacturing so dangerous—the
rapid prototyping and unlimited manufacturing, and the immense complexity
and power of the products—also provide unprecedented opportunities
for positive outcomes. Even a small fraction of the raw capability would
be sufficient to satisfy the world's humanitarian needs for generations
to come. Another fraction could multiply the economy and enrich every
owner of the technology. And only a small fraction of MM products are
unacceptably dangerous. What is required is not blanket permissiveness
or blanket restriction, but careful administration of each separate risk
and benefit. It will take time to design and implement such administration,
and it will be important in the nearer term to prepare for responsible
administration by implementing responsible development.
You're expecting
policy makers to be rational?
No—we're desperately
hoping that they will be rational. Or at least self-interested, and willing
to study the tradeoffs. Molecular manufacturing technology creates a large
carrot and a large stick. CRN hopes to show the issues clearly enough to
make it possible to avoid the wrong choices.