These pages, marked with GREEN headings, are published for comment and criticism. These are not our final findings; some of these opinions will probably change. LOG OF UPDATES
CRN Research: Overview of Current Findings
Estimating a Timeline for Molecular Manufacturing
Overview: Molecular manufacturing (MM) means the
ability to build devices, machines, and eventually whole products with every
atom in its specified place. Today the theories for using mechanical chemistry
to directly fabricate nanoscale structures are well-developed and awaiting
progress in enabling technologies. Assuming all this theory works—and
no one has established a problem with it yet—exponential general-purpose
molecular manufacturing appears to be inevitable. It might become a reality
by 2010 to 2015, more plausibly will by 2015 to 2020, and almost certainly
will by 2020 to 2025. When it arrives, it will come quickly. MM can be built
into a self-contained, personal factory (PN) that
makes cheap products efficiently at molecular scale. The time from the first fabricator to
a flood of powerful and complex products may be
less than a year. The potential benefits of such
a technology are immense. Unfortunately, the risks are
also immense.
Molecular manufacturing can make large, complex
products with almost every atom precisely placed.
The goal of molecular manufacturing (MM) is to build complex products
with almost every atom in its proper place. This requires creating large
molecular shapes and then assembling them into products. The molecules
must be built by some form of chemistry. Many MM proposals assume that
building shapes of the required variety and complexity will require
robotic placement (covalent bonding) of small chemical pieces. Once
the molecular shapes are made, they must be combined to form structures
and machines. Again, this is probably done most easily by robotic assembly.
Theoretical studies have shown that it should be possible to build diamond
lattice by mechanically guided chemistry, or mechanochemistry.
By building the lattice in various directions, a wide variety of parts
can be made—parts that would be familiar to a mechanical engineer,
such as levers and housings. A robotic system used to build the molecular
parts could also be used to assemble the parts into a machine. In fact,
there is no reason why a robotic system can't build a copy of itself.
In sharp contrast to conventional manufacturing, only a few (chemical)
processes are needed to make any required shape. And with each atom
in the right place, each manufactured part will be precisely the right
size—so robotic assembly plans will be easy to program. A small
nano-robotic device that can use supplied chemicals to manufacture nanoscale products
under external control is called a fabricator.
More than forty years ago, Richard Feynman said, "The principles of
physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of
maneuvering things atom by atom." Molecular nanotechnology includes
only one additional, and relatively easy, step: combining the small
shapes and machines produced by individual chemical workstations into
large products. The easiest way to do this is to combine small pieces
into larger pieces, and then join those to make still larger ones. This
process is called convergent assembly,
and it can be used to make products large enough to be used directly
by people. CRN has published a peer-reviewed paper, titled "Design
of a Primitive Nanofactory", showing how large numbers of fabricators
can be combined to create a personal nanofactory (PN)
capable of making human-scale products. It appears that this might
be accomplished in as little as a few months after the first fabricator
is built. The resulting PN would be easy to program to make a wide
variety of products, including duplicate PNs.
Molecular manufacturing will be highly desirable for both commercial and
military projects.
Although there are several possible ways to develop an MM capability,
the best way appears to be the creation of fabricators and then nanofactories
that can make diamond lattice (as explained above).
Diamond is very strong, and can be used to build a wide variety of useful
gadgets including motors and computers. This implies that the products
of a nanofactory will also be strong, and that active functionality
can be extremely compact. For example, an engine powerful enough to
drive a car would fill less than a cubic centimeter, and a modern supercomputer
would require less than a cubic millimeter.
Diamond structure would be at least ten times as strong as steel for
the same weight—probably closer to 100 times as strong. Because
of the simple, and massively parallel, manufacturing used by a nanofactory,
the complexity of a product would not affect either the manufacturing
cost or the time to build it. A new design—any new design—could
be built in just a few hours. A nanofactory, like an fabricator, will
be able to duplicate itself. Nanofactories will be as cheap as any other
product, so any desired number of nanofactories can be built. Since
nanofactories can be used for final manufacturing as well as rapid prototyping,
product design will not have to concern itself with "manufacturability." As
soon as a prototype is designed, it can be built. As soon as the prototype
is approved, mass production can be started—and finished a few
hours later.
The design of an MM version of a product will actually be easier than
today's process. Instead of designing a shape and then worrying about
how to whittle down a block of material or carve out a mold, the designer
simply specifies the shape—and the nanofactory will create diamond
structure to fill the specified volume. Instead of worrying about fastening
parts together, the designer can simply tell the CAD software that they
should be attached. The surfaces to be joined will be covered by the
CAD software with a simple mechanical interlocking mechanism (described
in CRN's Nanofactory paper), and
the convergent assembly process only needs to press them together. Because
power and computer functionality will be much smaller than today's devices,
the designer will have much less difficulty in making the functional
parts of the design fit into the space required. And because a vast
range of products can be specified by a single CAD system and manufactured
by a single nanofactory design, a well-trained MNT designer will be
able to design a large number of products, just as a well-trained software
engineer can write a wide variety of programs.
The strength and power of products, the compactness of their functional
components, and the ease and speed of design and production, combine
to make MM a very useful technology. Vast amounts of money can be saved
in the product design process, in manufacturing, in distribution and
warehousing. New product lines can be designed, manufactured, and marketed
in a few weeks. The same efficiencies apply to military hardware as
well. Each new weapons system could be developed and deployed much more
quickly and cheaply. Prototypes and tests would be generated much faster
and cost far less. Since a prototype design could be immediately manufactured
in any desired quantity, deployment would also be much faster. New kinds
of weapon systems could be contemplated. Both commercial and military/governmental
organizations will have a strong incentive to fund the rapid development
of MM, even at a cost of billions of dollars.
It's a very short step from a fabricator to a nanofactory. (More)
As described above, a fabricator is a small machine that can create
precise shapes out of molecules, assemble those shapes into machines,
and ultimately duplicate itself when supplied with the necessary broadcast
instruction stream. The duplication is necessary because a single fabricator
could not build more than a small number of tiny products. A fabricator
is a worthwhile goal, because although it can't make large products,
many fabricators can be combined to form a nanofactory. CRN has published
a technical paper describing the
process and techniques required to bootstrap from a sub-micron fabricator
to a personal nanofactory; it appears that this can be done in a few
months if suitable design and analysis is done beforehand. So we can
assume that a fabricator project will include a nanofactory project,
and that a useful nanofactory will appear within months of the first
Once the first nanofactory is built, a flood of products will follow.
A wide range of products can be designed simply by sticking small functional
blocks together; the joining process is covered in detail in the paper mentioned
above. Effectively, then, the question of when we will see a flood of
MM-built products boils down to the question
of how quickly the first fabricator can be designed and built. Once the
first desktop nanofactory has been built, its first product likely will
be another identical nanofactory. Then, following the simple math of exponential
duplication, it's easy to see that within months millions or even billions
of personal nanofactories conceivably could be in operation. A key understanding
of MM is that it leads not just to improved products, but to a vastly
improved and accelerated means of production.
Most of today's nanotech is different from molecular manufacturing.
There is a difference between molecular manufacturing technology and today's
nanomaterials research and other nanoscale
technologies. Most of the nanotech work now being funded involves
building small structures and searching for novel properties, then figuring
out ways to use these new properties in new products. This is very useful
work, and in many cases will be very profitable. But it is quite different
from MM, which is concerned with building a single device: a flexible,
easy-to-use, preferably large-scale, molecular manufacturing system.
(Of course, once created this system could immediately start making
a wide range of products.) Some results of current nanotechnology
research will be enabling technologies for MM: technologies that make
it easier to build a fabricator. Non-nanotech fields will also contribute
enabling technologies.
Designing a fabricator will be hard but feasible. (More)
Designing a fabricator will not be easy. Mechanochemistry,
the formation or breaking of chemical bonds under direct mechanical
control, has been demonstrated, but it will take a lot more work to
develop the mechanochemical techniques to build diamond and other strong
materials. These techniques will require some basic research; however,
preliminary work (by Eric Drexler, Robert Freitas, Ralph Merkle, and
John Michelsen, for example) shows that there are several different
kinds of mechanochemical reactions that should be able to build diamond.
Unless all this work is wrong and no other techniques can be discovered,
building atomically precise diamondoid shapes
will be possible. The small-scale robotic device to do the required
mechanochemical operations has to be designed, including the control
system. This is mostly a matter of simple mechanics. The integration
of the mechanochemical device with other devices to support the parts
and product, deliver "feedstock" chemicals from an uncontrolled exterior
to a well-controlled interior, and so on should also be relatively straightforward—at
least compared with designing a spacecraft.
A modern spacecraft contains millions of parts (estimates for the Space
Shuttle range from 2.5 to six million). A large spacecraft design must
account for fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, vibration and resonance on
many time scales, avionics and other control, chemical engineering,
mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, combustion dynamics,
hydraulics, cryogenics, and biomedical issues. (Thanks to an anonymous
poster on Slashdot for
pointing this out.) By contrast, a fabricator design must account
for chemistry, mechanical engineering including stiffness, control
structures, and a different set of forces than we're used to at the
macro-scale (e.g. van der Waals force). Note that many problems can
be treated as mechanical engineering issues without greatly increasing
the size and complexity of the fabricator. One example is thermal
noise: as analyzed in Nanosystems,
if the parts are stiff enough, it's not a problem even at room temperature.
Building the first fabricator will also be hard.
Building the first fabricator may be even harder than designing it. (Building
the second and subsequent fabricators will be relatively easy.) If
the first fabricator is diamond-based, the diamond must be formed in small
precise shapes without the benefit of fabricator mechanisms. If the first
fabricator is built of DNA, protein, or other "wet" chemistry products,
it must either work underwater while protecting the workpiece, or must
work after being dried. Neither of these option is very attractive. However,
we are already learning to do mechanochemistry and nanomanipulation with
scanning probe microscopes. The use of buckytubes as scanning probes is
fairly new, but is already proving useful. There are a variety of potential
ways to build structures even smaller and more precise to do the required
chemistry. Again, unless every single possibility we can think of turns
out to be unfeasible, a fabricator can be built.
We have lots of enabling technologies already.
We don't yet know whether the enabling technologies we have today are
far enough advanced to start a molecular fabricator project. Enabling
technologies are of four basic types: fabrication, manipulation, sensing,
and simulation. First, we'll need to make very small parts with intricate
shapes. Semiconductor lithography is making features a few tens of nanometers wide.
Buckytube welding in an electron microscope has been demonstrated, and
also growing buckytubes along templates, including branching templates.
Dip-pen nanolithography promises to make built-up 3D structures with a
variety of different chemicals and 2.5-nm feature size. We have the ability
to make molecule-sized molds and deposit a few atoms of metal into them.
We can design a few structures with self-assembling DNA and other chemicals.
There are many other techniques that we don't have space to list here.
Second, we'll need to move those parts into the right position to assemble
machines. Possible techniques include optical tweezers, pushing with scanning
probes, microfluidics, biological motors, and constructed motors such
as the "DNA Tweezers". Third, we'll probably need to see what we're doing.
Electron microscopes can resolve a few nanometers. Proximal probes can
resolve fractions of an angstrom. We may even get help from sub-wavelength
optical techniques, including near-field optical probes, photon entanglement,
and several kinds of interferometry. Some of these may not be useful in
practice, but near-field optical probes have already been demonstrated
and used. The fourth enabling technology is simulation. Computers are
getting faster, algorithms are improving, and we can already simulate
hundreds or thousands of interacting atoms.
Fabricator design is probably no harder than some projects we've already
If a fabricator project is not feasible today, it will surely be feasible
in a few years. Most of the enabling technologies mentioned here, and
many others as well, are being actively developed for their present-day
commercial potential. As the technologies develop, they will reach a
point where they can easily be re-used in a fabricator project. The
mechanics of the project will become far easier in just a few years.
The chemistry will become easier as more powerful computers are developed
for simulation, but already it is feasible to test individual reactions
in simulation. The question is not whether a fabricator project is feasible,
but when it will become economically viable or a military necessity.
A new, large spacecraft or weapon system costs tens of billions of
US$ to develop, and molecular nanotechnology will be far more useful
than any single aerospace or weapons system. In today's dollars, total
development cost for the original Space Shuttle was probably around
$10-15 billion. At that rate, each part would have cost an average of
$2,000-$6,000 to design. How many parts will a fabricator require? Estimates
of the atom count, based in part on comparisons with bacteria, frequently
come in around 1 billion atoms. Diamond has 176 carbon atoms per cubic
nanometer, so if each part were only one cubic nanometer, a fabricator
might have 6 million parts—comparable to the Shuttle. With parts
10 nanometers on a side, it would have only 6,000 parts. For comparison,
a typical four-cylinder automobile engine has about 450 parts and a
bacterium may have 3,600 different molecules. As opposed to a "wet" design
like a bacterium or a cutting-edge aerospace design, most of a fabricator's
parts would not interact with each other and could be designed separately.
It appears, then, that design of a fabricator falls somewhere between
a car engine and the Space Shuttle in complexity. Construction, if not
feasible today, will be feasible soon.
A fabricator within a decade is plausible— maybe even sooner.
The Space Shuttle took less than ten years to design and build, from
1972 to 1981. The atomic bomb took only three years, from 1942 to 1945.
Both of these programs involved more new science research and more development
of new technologies and techniques than an assembler program would likely
require. As analyzed above, they probably cost more too. The main question
in estimating a timeline for fabricator development, then, is when it
will be technically and politically feasible. There are probably five
or more nations, and perhaps several large companies, that could finance
a molecular fabricator effort starting in this decade. The technical
feasibility depends on the enabling technologies. Even a single present-day
technology, dip-pen nanolithography, may be able to fabricate an entire
proto-fabricator with sufficient effort. At this point, we have not
seen anything to make us believe that a five-year $10 billion fabricator
project, starting today, would be infeasible, though we don't yet know
enough to estimate its chance of success. Five years from now, we expect
that a five-year project will be obviously feasible, and its cost may
be well under $5 billion.
The National Science Foundation, and others, have estimated that
even non-MM nanotechnology will be worth a trillion dollars or more
by 2015. By the time people realize that it's possible to build a nano-based
manufacturing system, it will probably be obvious that such a project
would be quite profitable (in addition to the military imperatives).
This implies that companies and/or governments will start crash programs,
comparable perhaps to the Manhattan project. Of course there are other
development scenarios, but we feel this is one of the more likely ones.
We also cannot rule out the possibility that a large, well-funded, secret
development program for molecular manufacturing has been in operation
somewhere for several years and may achieve success sooner than any
public program.
Additional Reading:
See our page, Focusing on Fabricators, highlighting
a commentary by nanotechnology researcher Ralph Merkle.
A lot of nanotechnologists have said that a fabricator is too complicated
and difficult to be worth building.
Remember that molecular nanotechnology and current nanomaterials research
are two different fields. These people are today's nanotechnologists, and
with all due respect, they are talking outside their area of expertise. The
savings in semiconductor processing alone would make MNT worth doing at any
price under $10 billion, and the same is true for hundreds of other fields.
But the laws of physics say that...
The laws of physics, including quantum uncertainty, thermal noise, Heisenberg
uncertainty, tunneling, and resonance, do not appear to pose severe problems. Nanosystems explained
in detail how mechanical chemistry can be accomplished at room temperature
with better than 1 in 1015 error rates. Things are a little different
at small scales, but after all, the cells in your body use molecular machines
made of floppy protein and they work just fine.
The theory may work, but it takes decades to develop stuff in real life.
That depends on how much pure research has to be done, and how much of the
job is just engineering. It also depends on the amount of money that's thrown
at a problem, and the creation of a project management structure that can
use the money efficiently. Even the Space Shuttle took less than a decade,
and the atomic bomb took one-third that. Aside from some chemistry, a molecular
fabricator will not require much pure research, and a useful nanofactory will
require very little additional research since it can be designed at the mechanical
In December, 2007, reader Rick Cook offered this objection:
Your timeline for fabbers isn't just wildly optimistic, it's as close to
flat impossible as anything I've seen this side of Young Earth Creationism.
For starters, there is an enormous difference between having a proof of principle
device running in a lab, to having a working prototype, to having a pilot
model in limited production to having something in full-scale production.
Not to mention the time it takes for even the most wildly popular device to
be widely adopted and finally for those effects to work their way through
It takes time. Each of those steps takes time and usually a number of false
starts and development cycles. And by time I mean years, especially in the
early phases.
However to me the biggest problem, which overshadows all the others, is you're
proposing trying to regulate a process none of us understand at all clearly.
Given the history of similar efforts, it's almost a certainty that anything
we do now to control nanotechnology (however defined) is going to be wrong.
We don't know where the technology is going or how it's going to affect us.
If we try to control it now we will undoubtedly strain at gnats, which will
ultimately be unimportant, while being trampled into the dust by the herd
of rampaging camels we didn't see coming.
Thanks, Rick, for your input. Below is part of our full response (read the
rest here):
CRN doesn't talk about the possible emergence of molecular manufacturing
by 2015-2020 because we think that this timeline is necessarily the most realistic
forecast. Instead, we use that timeline because the purpose of the Center
for Responsible Nanotechnology is not prediction, but preparation.
Recognizing that this event could plausibly happen in the next decade — even
if the mainstream conclusion is that it's unlikely before 2025 or 2030 — elicits
what we consider to be an appropriate sense of urgency regarding the need
to be prepared. Facing a world of molecular manufacturing without adequate
forethought is a far, far worse outcome than developing plans and policies
for a slow-to-arrive event... More on This
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