These pages, marked with GREEN headings,
are published for comment
and criticism. These are not our final findings; some of these opinions
will probably change.LOG OF UPDATES
Overview: Molecular
manufacturing will arrive suddenly, perhaps within the next ten years,
and almost certainly within the next twenty. If it takes the world by
surprise, we will not have systems in place that can deal with it effectively.
No single organization or mindset can create a full and appropriate policy—and
inappropriate policy will only make things worse. A combination of separate
policy efforts will get in each other's way, and the risks will slip through
the cracks. By the time this technological capability arrives, we must
have accomplished several things that each will take significant time.
First, we must understand the risks.
Second, make policy.
Third, design institutions.
Fourth, create the institutions—at all levels including international levels,
where things move slowly. This could easily take twenty years. If advanced nanotechnology could
arrive in ten or fifteen years, then we'd better get to work.
lot must be done before MNT arrives.
As described
on our Timeline page,
we expect molecular
manufacturing to arrive less than twenty years from now—possibly
less than ten. This is not much time to prepare, given the amount
of work to be done. First, the risks have to be understood. Then we
need to work out a series of plans for dealing with each risk—a
task made much harder by the fact that measures to reduce one risk
may increase another. Then all this information has to be delivered,
convincingly, to the people who make the policy. There are a lot of
them, in many different organizations. Then organizations have to
be designed to administer the policy. Then the organizations have
to be created. Each of these steps will take time. And this isn't
a complete list. Technological measures will have to be carefully
invented and developed. Public opinion, and then public support, will
be necessary at several stages. Nations must learn to cooperate in
ways that have not yet been tried. Ten years, or even twenty years,
is not a long time in which to accomplish all this.
solutions can't evolve by accident.
As explained
on our No
Simple Solutions page, we do not see any way that simplistic regulation
can work. A regulation may make a dent in one risk, but will increase
others, doing more harm than good overall. An accretion of simplistic
regulations will also do more harm than good. If solutions are not
developed until problems are staring us in the face, we will not have
time to make good decisions. Some of the risks are severe enough,
or scary enough, to cause people and governments to panic. Panic and
time pressure will tend to produce a patchwork of
simple, knee-jerk solutions. It is extremely unlikely that a good
set of solutions will evolve under these circumstances, and it is
also unlikely that bad solutions will be able to prevent bad consequences.
solutions, and organizations come in several flavors.
come in several different flavors. There are zero-sum problems, as when
two children fight over who gets the bigger piece of cake, or two countries
fight over who gets a single piece of ground. There are positive-sum
problems, as when a seller tries to figure out how much to charge for
a product to maximize profits. And there are unlimited-sum problems,
where a resource can be used without using it up, and the problem is
how to maximize the benefit that people obtain from it. (Economists
call a resource that can't be used up a "non-rivalrous good.") Naturally,
these problems require different styles of solutions. In fact, at least
three very differentsystems
of ethics have evolved to deal with these three kinds of problems.
Jane Jacobs identified two of them in Systems
of Survival. CRN has extended this, identifying a third
recently evolved system and applying the three systems to MNT in this
paper. The point here is that if problems come in diverse
flavors, solutions must also come in diverse flavors. Any single
organization, with a single code of ethics, will have a limited
outlook and will be fundamentally unable to solve all the problems
of anything as big as MNT.
will require finesse.
MNT creates
about a dozen separate risks,
many of which are paradoxical. If products are too cheap, economies
will collapse. If they are too expensive, people will starve needlessly—and
rebel. Lack of restrictions will allow all sorts of abuses, but overly
harsh restrictions are an abuse. Any attempt to solve any of
these risks must consider the consequences of the chosen policy in relation
to the other risks. Extreme policies will almost certainly do more harm
than good—and an extreme policy can't be fixed by adding more
policies—and once enacted, extreme policies tend to be very hard
to get rid of. Policy-making will require much finesse. It will also
require cooperation from quite a few flavors of organizations that don't
even understand each other very well. Otherwise, risks will slip through
the cracks left open by competing policies.
must encompass humanitarian, economic, and security concerns.
Failing to
take advantage of MNT would allow massive humanitarian and environmental
catastrophe. Molecular manufacturing is inherently unlimited-sum: capital
costs and manufacturing costs are essentially zero. In several ways,
the current Western industrial lifestyle is not ecologically sustainable:
we burn fossil fuel, consume groundwater, dump toxic chemicals, and
strip the oceans of life. In other parts of the world, millions of people
die each year of preventable causes like malnutrition and malaria, or
live in grinding poverty due to lack of an industrial base—all
of which would be correctable with widespread use of molecular manufacturing.
If MNT is not used freely to alleviate these problems, they may grow
until they destabilize the globe.
On the other
hand, completely free and unrestricted use of MNT creates other problems.
For one thing, it would destroy the current economic model, and a sudden
economic disruption would destabilize other aspects of society. Capitalism
is a very useful system, perhaps the best possible system for solving
positive-sum problems. We should not throw it away until we have something
to replace it. It will not be easy to decide what should be freely available
and what should be subject to billing or royalties. Even the simple
suggestion that under some circumstances personal nanofactories should
be usable without paying their designers will surely meet with furious
opposition. A separate problem is how to collect the royalties where
royalties are appropriate. Unrestricted molecular manufacturing would
allow duplication of designs or even direct copying of blueprint files.
The entertainment industry in the United States is currently struggling
with these issues, and is not doing a very effective or elegant job.
Some bad laws have already been passed, and the conflict shows no signs
of resolution. This conflict between the competing ethics of Commerce
and Information must be resolved before MNT arrives.
For several
reasons, it is important to balance security with humanitarian, environmental,
and economic issues. First, completely unrestricted molecular manufacturing
makes the whole world insecure. Second, as long as nations exist, they
will feel a need to defend themselves from attack—and sometimes
to attack others. MNT could be destabilizing unless it's handled carefully.
It will take a lot of work to design and create a system that is more
useful for developing defenses than sneak attacks—and even more
work to create a system that mutual enemies can use and trust.
organizations will require time and finesse.
It's too
early yet to say what institutional designs will be required, but we
can make some guesses. They have to be international,
or at least coordinated internationally. They have to have enforcement
powers. They have to allow and promote the use of MNT in several different
ways, without allowing any of the major risks to occur. This implies
the need for several flavors of institutions cooperating. Nations must
be able to research and prepare defenses and deterrents, without being
able to deploy the most dangerous weapons that could be globally destabilizing.
Commerce should continue, though it may find itself competing with non-monetary
systems for some purposes. Humanitarian relief must be given as soon
as the means become available. MNT weaponry non-proliferation measures
must be implemented. Each of these functions probably requires a separate
institution, but the institutions must work together smoothly. Once
designed, the institutions must be funded, created, and staffed.
It is vital
that such administration of
MNT be widely supported. Many powerful groups exist, capable of sabotaging
or corrupting the process if they do not like it. MNT will provide great
abundance, enough to satisfy everyone's long-term interests—but
short-sighted greed could make the whole process fall apart. Small-minded
ideology could also cause problems: a "not invented here" syndrome could
lead a group to exclude itself from the process. Expert diplomacy will
be absolutely necessary. Clear understanding of the stakes and issues
will also be necessary—there are places where compromise is possible,
and other places where compromise past a certain point would invite
disaster. It will take time to achieve buy-in from all the necessary
will take significant time.
Before any
international process can begin, the people involved must be educated.
This will be a long process in itself. People who have not studied molecular
nanotechnology generally will not have a clear understanding of how
quickly it can arrive, and how much difference it can make. CRN is working
to create technical materials to clarify the issues, and popular explanations
for education. But it may take years to create these materials. More
years to get a foot in the door at high levels of policy-making. Still
more years for policy-makers to comprehend the new ideas—probably
calling for independent three-year studies along the way. After that,
the diplomacy can begin. When the diplomacy is done, the necessary institutions
can finally start organizing themselves, which will take another year
or two. Even if MNT is twenty years away, we don't know if there will
be enough time. If it's ten years away—well, we'd better hope
we have some smart, flexible people running the show.
you're just a bunch of Chicken Littles.
Next question?
Even if
you think up something that could work, how will you get everyone to
agree to it?
We don't have to get
everyone to agree with us. If enough people adopt the same solutions, and
know why their own self-interest requires global agreement, they will find
ways to make sure that the rest fall in line.
That sounds
We know. And we aren't
very comfortable with the idea of a supreme global administration, even
with checks and balances, accountability, democracy, and everything else
that can protect people from powerful governments. But we're even less comfortable
with the idea of nano-anarchy. This is the best alternative we could come
up with. Please, if you can think of something better, we'll listen. Contact