pages, marked with GREEN headings, are published for comment
and criticism. These are not our final findings; some of
these opinions will probably change. LOG
Overview of
all studies: Because of the largely unexpected transformational
power of molecular manufacturing, it is urgent to understand the issues
raised. To date, there has not been anything approaching an adequate study
of these issues. CRN's recommended series of thirty
essential studies is organized into five sections, covering fundamental
theory, possible technological capabilities, bootstrapping potential,
product capabilities, and policy questions. Several preliminary conclusions
are stated, and because our understanding points to a crisis, a parallel
process of conducting the studies is urged.
CRN is actively
looking for researchers interested in performing or assisting with this
work. Please contact CRN Research Director Chris
Phoenix if you would like more information or if you have comments
on the proposed studies.
Does the
product functionality include: Digital logic? Analog signal processing?
Energy storage, transmission, and transformation? Linear and rotational
actuators? Structure, at multiple scales? Kinematics, at multiple scales?
Displays? Sensors? Biocompatibility?
Preliminary answer
Digital: yes (see Nanosystems). Analog:
probably (physical systems—cams, springs, etc). Energy storage:
atomically precise springs can store energy at near-chemical density.
Energy transmission: mechanical looks quite efficient. Energy transformation:
yes, electrical <-> mechanical with very high efficiency and power
density. Actuators: yes, both rotational and solenoid-like. Structure:
from nanometer feature size (1 nm3 = ~176 diamond atoms) (and
even individual atoms in certain components, e.g. gear teeth) to macroscale
(with convergent assembly). Kinematics: yes, including near-frictionless
rotational and linear bearings. Displays: yes, mechanical semaphores,
maybe semiconductors also. Sensors: yes, lots. Biocompatibility: looks
good so far.
What will
be the efficiency of the various product functionalities?
Preliminary answer
Excellent; see Nanosystems. Nanoscale
bearings: 10-16 W. Logic operations: less than kT per
(reversible) gate at 1 GHz.
How much
post-processing does the output need?
Preliminary answer
Probably none. Carbon
is a very flexible element and the product can include a variety of structure
and appearance. See Nanofactory
paper section 7.
Can the system
produce complete products, or only components?
Preliminary answer
Complete products.
What components
of itself can the system produce ('autoproduction')?
Preliminary answer
All components.
What new
capabilities can the products implement? (Machine-phase chemistry? Plasmonic
Preliminary answer
Machine-phase chemistry:
yes. Molecular electronics: Buckytube transistors have been demonstrated. Optics
and plasmonics: seems likely. Building biomolecules (medicine, food):
not without additional R&D.
What subset
of desirable products can known design methodologies access?
Preliminary answer
The nanofactory is
well-suited for levels of abstraction (similar to software design). A
single 'nanoblock' can contain hundreds or thousands of parts, enough
to implement general-purpose behavior (motor, computer, etc). The combination
of these into systems, 'smart materials', and products appears to encompass
most conceivable functionality at all scales above 100 nm. Smaller functions
such as molecular manipulation would have to be individually designed,
though this may be straightforward for many tasks.
output of the nanofactory would be fully finished and highly advanced
The situation is
extremely urgent. The stakes are unprecedented, and the world is unprepared.
The basic findings of these studies should be verified as rapidly as possible
(months, not years). Policy preparation and planning for implementation,
likely including a crash development program, should begin immediately.
(Sorry, no one has complained about this page yet, and we
couldn't think of anything to write. Please contact
us with your questions, criticisms, and other