policies toward administration of molecular manufacturing does all this
There are several
options for administering molecular manufacturing. Which ones might work
as planned, and how desirable are they? Which classes of problem are suitable
for the various options? What are the consequences if an option is tried
and fails? Which options can coexist in one society, or even in one (shrinking)
and Degree of Control
impact of local policy may reach far beyond local borders.
control: ironclad, worldwide control of all that relates to development
or use of molecular manufacturing?
Preliminary answer
This could work,
if the controllers were sufficiently ruthless and intrusive. Obviously,
unless the controllers are also saintly, it would be a human rights disaster.
control: let a solution emerge?
Preliminary answer
The continuing problems
of spam and computer viruses and intrusion indicates that this is unlikely
to protect most people.
control: several autonomous regions each find their own solutions?
Preliminary answer
Nano weapons, nanofactories,
and other dangerous products can easily cross borders. Unless the regions
all have an interest in keeping each other safe as well as themselves,
this probably won't work.
or hierarchical control: a mix of local and top-down policy?
Preliminary answer
might be a good approach. Note that it would require an international
organization at the top, probably with verification and enforcement capability.
Note also that hierarchy is a 20th century invention, and may be outdated/surpassed
by human networks. The concept of "network democracy" as suggested by Jim
Garrison may work better these days.
structures? Implications of space access?
Preliminary answer
It's hard to control
what happens several light-seconds away. This may imply a need to allow
only trusted people/groups into space. (It looks like this is our unofficial
global policy already.)
to Resources
There are
several fundamentally different approaches to dealing with resource allocation
and other policy issues. We have covered these in detail in "Three
Systems of Action: A Proposed Application for Effective Administration
of Molecular Nanotechnology".
preserve the status quo against destructive change
Preliminary answer
Prevent negative-sum
transactions (e.g. theft). Deception and the use of force are acceptable.
Commerce and information sharing are potential weaknesses. Loyalty, tradition,
and honor are relevant values. Molecular manufacturing will raise many
security issues.
optimize use of scarce resources; collect resources
Preliminary answer
positive-sum transactions (e.g. free market trade). Use of force is not
acceptable. Efficiency, innovation, and honesty are relevant values. Several
resources will still be scarce even under nearly-free manufacturing, and
much work will still benefit from commercial/monetary incentives.
(non-rivalrous): maximize availability of non-scarce resources
Preliminary answer
Optimize use of
unlimited information (unlimited-sum transactions: the cost is very low
and is unrelated to the value). Creativity and openness are relevant values.
Reputation is a major motivator. This approach may be relevant for many
blueprints and nano-produced objects.
and Values
are several cultural traditions in the world—very different, and
perhaps incompatible.
freedom and opportunity, openness, free market (Western)
Preliminary answer
This has spearheaded
the development of science and technology, as well as democracy. It values
diversity, which makes it less destructive/oppressive. It may be unwilling
or politically unable to exert sufficient force to deal with major threats
to security. This will be countered to some extent by creativity in problem
social constraint (Tribal, Moralist)
Preliminary answer
Compared with Western,
this has more opportunities for social engineering and less resistance/rebellion
to government control. But central planning allows less creativity and
diversity, and creates more oppression and limitation (at least from the
Western point of view). Lack of feedback and emergence allow mistakes
to persist.
nihilism, submission (Fundamentalist)
Preliminary answer
As far as we can
see, this can only be justified by intangible values alien to Western
thought (though present to some extent in America's Puritan heritage).
It may also see Western tradition as dangerous and immoral; this may lead
to unavoidable conflict.
Making Options
are many ways to make decisions. This is just a sample.
Preliminary answer
Just let things
happen. This is likely to be very hard on the average person.
Preliminary answer
Requires an informed
electorate. Not likely—too much science and technology background
required, too many counterintuitive and nonlinear effects.
Preliminary answer
Adds friction to
the system. This is sometimes good, but unlikely to be adequately responsive
for most problem solving.
Preliminary answer
Requires a good
dictator, which is not likely and perhaps not possible—there's simply
too much to understand.
Preliminary answer
(As suggested
by Jim
Garrison.) Not well understood yet, but may be the best option.
are many ways to influence or limit the use of this technology. All have
limitations. These are just a sample.
Preliminary answer
Must be backed by
police force. Too much force reduces the legitimacy of the law.
Preliminary answer
At best, a process
for agreeing to standards and creating awareness of mutually beneficial
choices. Won't work if not in the interests of all signatories, though
may serve to formalize and focus the use of other incentives such as military
threat (see study
engineering and public perception?
Preliminary answer
Will only work on
some people.
Preliminary answer
An odd convention,
probably over-used in modern economies; not a good match for non-rivalrous
Preliminary answer
Companies will sometimes
modify their own behavior to prevent more onerous regulation. But this
probably requires a substantial threat of government regulation.
Preliminary answer
Surveillance will
be extremely useful and effective when sensors get cheap enough and computers
get powerful enough to watch everyone full-time and highlight anomalous
behavior. There are no obvious inherent limits on the use of surveillance,
and several obvious benefits. This poses a severe threat to modern Western
concepts of privacy. It also creates practical problems, including strong
pressure for full-time behavioral conformity (since any unusual action
will be scrutinized, only exhibitionists will be comfortable risking any
unusual behavior) and lack of ability to oppose unjust government.
Preliminary answer
Even more intrusive
than surveillance: With compact technology, cheap manufacturing, and accelerated
medical research, an implantable device could be developed to monitor
and possibly change people's psychiatric/neurochemical profile. This threatens
our concepts of autonomy and even selfhood. However, it may be the most
effective way to solve the most difficult security problems, making it
dangerously attractive. Efforts to design administration must take this
possibility into account, either rejecting it or limiting it, with strong
safeguards in either case. Conversely, the use of such technology within
the administration could serve to limit the impact of destructive people
and improve the effectiveness and reliability of the administration.
Extremes That Won't Work
will be very tempting to choose simplistic extremes of policy, especially
if events seem to be leading toward loss of control. But this virtually
guarantees failure. Furthermore, extreme policy disasters can't be corrected
by further extreme policy; in general, the bad effects will add, not cancel.
program vs. delay
Preliminary answer
As discussed in study
#30, a crash program without substantial policy planning will lead
to a powerful technology we don't know how to handle. But a delay, especially
if it's implemented by denying the feasibility of the technology, will
also lead to lack of preparedness—and reduced ability to control
or predict when someone finally does develop MM.
vs. freedom
Preliminary answer
A policy that is
too restrictive will inspire attempts to circumvent it, from within the
administration (idealism, high-stakes blackmail or subversion) and from
without (cracking restrictions, independent development). This will require
intolerable and unsustainable restrictions, and will eventually fuel a
black market where one leak spreads unconstrained nanotech beyond hope
of containment.
A policy that is
too lax will lead to a situation that can't be controlled, a "state
of nature" in which anyone can strike at anyone else unless eternal
vigilance is kept. This will create a public outcry for control as well
as government insecurity, leading to overly restrictive policy.
It looks like the
best approach is wide availability of personal nanofactories with built-in
technical restrictions. The more benefits are freely/widely available,
the less pressure for independent development. The widespread use of 'approved'
hardware allows all sorts of less-intrusive controls. See our paper on "Safe
Utilization of Advanced Nanotechnology".
empire vs. independent states
Preliminary answer
A declared global
empire will be resented, hated, and feared, no matter who is emperor.
Preparation for it is likely to tempt preemptive strikes.
Independent states
will not be able to coordinate the cross-border policing necessary to
prevent cross-border crime and terrorism. Some states will not be able
to police themselves adequately. Any state that maintains an uncontrolled
nanotech capability will threaten the entire world.
The best solution
is probably an international organization, both to administer the molecular
manufacturing that has been developed and to prevent possession of dangerously
unrestricted versions by illicit actors. This might be modeled on the
IAEA, the WHO, or UN peacekeeping forces. Unfortunately, international
cooperation is not at its best right now (in mid-2004); such an organization
would take time to develop, and some nations (especially, perhaps, the
U.S.) may try to sabotage it and go it alone.
Both nanotech problems
and nanotech solutions are international. If MM goes wrong, some of its
problems may be global in scope. grey goo and military nanorobots will
not respect national borders. Economic collapse of any large nation will
shake all the rest. Likewise, MM risk prevention must also be global.
Programs and policies for reducing poverty must be international. Administration
to detect and prevent rogue MM programs must have global jurisdiction.
An accretion of national programs may be able to mitigate some problems
and risks, but cannot address all of them. International policies, and international
bodies, must be designed and created before molecular manufacturing
We'll mention again
Jim Garrison's "network
democracy" as a possible approach. Small groups with specific focus
may be both more responsive and less threatening. However, there still
has to be some way to apply their recommendations.
vs. Commercial vs. Information
Preliminary answer
explored above,
negative-sum, positive-sum, and unlimited-sum situations require very
different approaches. Any single approach will be inadequate, and will
not only fail but will be destructive in situations that demand a different
approach. (See Systems
of Survival on "monstrous moral hybrids".) Effective
administration will require application of all these approaches,
chosen appropriately to address the various kinds of problems, and
probably implemented by distinct but coordinated organizations.
vs. socialism
Preliminary answer
The goal of socialism
is to make sure that everyone is provided for adequately by redistributing
wealth. Molecular manufacturing will certainly produce enough wealth to
make everyone (worldwide) rich by today's standards, and will probably
exacerbate imbalances and inequities; this will tempt socialist policy.
Socialism is great in theory, but in practice it cripples the main incentives
for productivity, innovation, and trade.
The goal of capitalism
is to accumulate resources and use them to generate wealth. However, it
can lead to destructive imbalances of power such as monopolies. When the
cost of production becomes a miniscule fraction of the value to the user,
and when manufacturing capital and labor alike lose their value, capitalistic
wealth accumulation may cease to provide its customary spinoff of value
to the economy and to society.
The best solution
may be one inspired by software development. Software is another area
where the cost of duplication is far lower than the value of the product.
For several decades, commercial software has coexisted with free software;
each has benefited from the other, and neither has out-competed the other.
Commercial software tends to be more polished, adding value; free software
(and its recent cousin, Open
Source software) has been an important source of innovation, and
is available to people with no money to spend.
Patents or other
artificial scarcity applied to the personal nanofactory could restrict
trillions of dollars of economic benefit and comparable social benefit.
Since a single general-purpose manufacturing system can make millions
of different kinds of products, there is plenty of opportunity for corporations
to make money by designing and licensing products, and paying part of
that fee to the nanofactory inventors. At the same time, vast benefits
could be delivered both to poor users and to the common pool of information
by designers who wish to make their designs available for free—but
only if nanofactory use for producing free designs is not encumbered by
heavy licensing fees. This would allow a single fundamental invention,
the personal nanofactory, to be used in both a commercial context and
a non-rivalrous, unlimited-sum context.
The difference between
socialism and free sharing of non-rivalrous goods should be carefully
noted. Socialism is about redistribution: something must be taken away
from its owner in order to give it to someone else. By contrast, increasing
the distribution of non-rivalrous goods does not require denying them
to anyone. Intellectual property (both patent and copyright) is a legal
construct, a right invented and maintained by society and granted for
the purpose of benefiting society by stimulating innovation while maximizing
distribution. Failing to maintain this artificial scarcity does not take
away an inventor's intellectual property, because that property does not
exist unless and until society bestows it. Under the current proposal,
the inventor of a nanofactory would still become astonishingly rich by
extracting whatever licensing fee the market would bear from commercial
users. Thus the incentive to innovate would be preserved, while distribution
would be better than if the IP were completely commercialized. (See e.g. Lawrence
Lessig on upstream vs. downstream patents.)
Post-Molecular-Manufacturing "To
Do List"
molecular manufacturing is developed, the job is just beginning. This
list should be expanded in consultation with various future studies groups
and think tanks.
shield? (Global sensor grid to detect, and possibly respond to, nanorobot
Preliminary answer
the administration fails to prevent the development of small undesirable
nanorobots, it may be very important to have a system in place to rapidly
detect their activity. For example, Robert
Freitas has calculated that a well-dispersed airborne self-replicator
of advanced design might produce sufficient copies to block all sunlight
in as little as two days. If this development is possible, it obviously
must be prevented with multiple levels of safeguards. Research must
be done well ahead of time to determine whether such a thing may become
possible; unless it can be conclusively ruled out (better than billion-to-one
certainty), then deploying an early-warning sensor net and pre-positioning
countermeasures would seem to be a minimal precaution.
Preliminary answer
Computers will be
one of the easiest things to build with molecular manufacturing. A sudden
increase in available computer power by many orders of magnitude will
surely make various forms of artificial intelligence more powerful, and
enable new forms that are not practical with current hardware. Even if
runaway AI doesn't introduce inherent danger, misused AI could be extremely
powerful. Conversely, AI of various sorts—even something as straightforward
as advanced data-mining—could solve several problems that currently
have us stumped. It may be worth pre-planning to launch an AI research
program as soon as the computer power becomes available.
Preliminary answer
Access to space
will become cheaper by at least several orders of magnitude. This should
be planned for. Space may be useful for resources, for quarantine, and
for science.
options need to be considered and synthesized. Hastily chosen or simplistic
policy is extremely unlikely to be wise or effective.
Other studies
1. Is
mechanically guided chemistry a viable basis for a manufacturing technology?
2. To what extent is molecular manufacturing
counterintuitive and underappreciated in a way that causes underestimation
of its importance?
3. What is the performance and potential
of diamondoid machine-phase chemical manufacturing and products?
4. What is the performance and potential
of biological programmable manufacturing and products?
5. What is the performance and potential
of nucleic acid manufacturing and products?
6. What other chemistries and options
should be studied?
7. What applicable sensing, manipulation,
and fabrication tools exist?
8. What will be required to develop
diamondoid machine-phase chemical manufacturing and products?
9. What will be required to develop
biological programmable manufacturing and products?
10. What will be required to develop
nucleic acid manufacturing and products?
11. How rapidly will the cost of
development decrease?
12. How could an effective development
program be structured?
13. What is the probable capability of
the manufacturing system?
14. How capable will the products
15. What will the products cost?
16. How rapidly could products
be designed?
17. Which of today's products will the
system make more accessible or cheaper?
18. What new products will the
system make accessible?
19. What impact will the system
have on production and distribution?
20. What effect will molecular
manufacturing have on military and government capability and planning,
considering the implications of arms races and unbalanced development?
21. What effect will this have
on macro- and microeconomics?
22. How can proliferation and use
of nanofactories and their products be limited?
23. What effect will this have
on policing?
24. What beneficial or desirable
effects could this have?
25. What effect could this have
on civil rights and liberties?
26. What are the disaster/disruption
27. What effect could this have
on geopolitics?
28. What policies toward development
of molecular manufacturing does all this suggest?
30. How can appropriate policy
be made and implemented?
Studies should
begin immediately.
The situation is
extremely urgent. The stakes are unprecedented, and the world is unprepared.
The basic findings of these studies should be verified as rapidly as possible
(months, not years). Policy preparation and planning for implementation,
likely including a crash development program, should begin immediately.